Breakdown of Civil Society and Law and Order in Canada

Retailers are reporting a significant rise in abuse toward employees and customers walking off with shopping carts full of merchandise.
As previously reported, downtown Edmonton and the LRT are not safe places to be; nothing seems to be reducing the violence in those places. And much of the violence is random and against minorities, though innocent people are being targeted as well in recent car shootings.
There is also an increase in hit and runs and anything not bolted down will get stolen, even from charities.
Politics has also helped divided people in Canada, though on a lesser level than the States.
Daniel Smith and friends continue to plunge into conflicts of interest willy-nilly and are ignoring the will of the people on the RCMP, medical care, and pension plans.
Even at K Days, fairgoers are being bear-sprayed and beaten up, and playgrounds are being torched; there are no guaranteed safe places for families and kids to go anymore, particularly in Edmonton.

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