that pop in while I’m doing something else, usually physically, often turn out to be auditory/musical ones. This morning, filling the bird tray outside, Buzz Clifford’s “Baby Sitting Boogie” from 60 years ago popped into my head. I certainly have not heard that one since it was on the top 40 charts back in 1961! (And, of all the possible things to be thinking of, while feeding the birds and squirrels.)
Being as steeped in music as I am–particularly the top 40 music of the 1950s-’70s–has provided many old memories from the past in the last few years as I moved into my 70s. As noted here on my blog before, I can quite often recall where I was then and what was going on when I first heard many songs. Sort of like having a personal memory movie collection/jukebox that evokes a surprising number of still relivable moments from the past.