You can tell when the Frame channel on Shaw starts broadcasting its continuous fire segment.
This morning I got up, opened the front door to pitch darkness, and still-snowing -30 windchill, took in and read the very real physical newspaper, had a nice brekkie with Guatemalan bananas and large Chilean blueberries, and then returned to the warm, cozy bed. There was simply no reason to stay up or go outside. (Freedom 52 now into its 13th blissful year. O Lucky Man!)
Blog entries are copyright by entry date, Richard Davies. If accessing site from Internet, activate any photos not showing automatically, by clicking on any picture frame. Then, despite Caution, safely click “Continue to this website”–pics will then emerge. When loaded, click upper left-pointing arrow twice to re-enter entire website with all blog photos now displayed. Individual pictures can then be enlarged as wished by clicking on each photo per se.
N.B./ *If your bent is poetry or prose meditations on life, there are a zillion of these in the first several months of this blog’s life. A non-commercial site for study or contemplative uses only, this blog is Read-Only, but you can reach me by Google-searching “Richard Davies Edmonton” for the first link which comes up–my LinkedIn address, and you can access basic and contact info via there.