Trump is responsible

for the pipe bomb epidemic. If he hadn’t made a habit of routinely sowing discord and routinely identifying his enemies, none of this would be happening now. The times in the States have become obviously very dangerous and divided thanks to Trump. He has only his loose mouth and hate-inspiring comments and insults to blame for the current state of  domestic fear and terrorism. He is/was the first domino to fall and set the process of hatemongering in motion from the top down.

Fact. Truth. Not fake news.

Further/ Trump’s hearty support of the Republican who body-slammed an opponent, his lack of concern for Jamal’s beheading, dismembering, and dissolution in acid, his continuing war on the media, and the forced evacuation of CNN because of a bomb threat–all again illustrate how journalism has become the most dangerous, precarious profession in the world today.  Trump remains The Enemy of Truth and Journalism, of free speech, of responsible news reporting and empirical fact-checking. For anyone who cares about Truth, Trump had made over 5,000 false or misleading claims by the time his reign reached Sept. 2018. An incredible record for any high profile figure let alone the POTUS.

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