It is important to keep oneself

up while many others are panicking and losing their heads needlessly. With the incoming coronavirus, a person has to stay focused on the here-and-now and make some plans.

For me, I’ll follow the Health Minister’s suggestion to stock up on food and meds before there’s a run on these in the days to come. She suggests one week; I’m thinking more like a month or so backup. Things could get wild here as the panic spreads and the supply chain normalcy doesn’t live here anymore.

I suspect we’ll all be spending more days at home and, when we go out, stick to our cars. Malls will become quiet, schools will potentially be closed. A lot of things will change for a long time. People will be ‘holed up’ and working incomes decline with people being laid off or working more from home. Drastically different.

But, as I said upfront, you have to go on with your life, taking care of business, and trying to do the usual things. It might be time to reread Neville Shute’s On the Beach, though. Timing.

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