If you didn’t know, Kenney

is issuing a court challenge to the feds for the Emergency Act. He is clearly against law and social order and peace. (Ironically, after asking the feds for help in Coutts. Incidentally, he says “Alberta is challenging” when it’s just him, alone. No other Albertans are not challenging.)

He is also against the city of Ottawa and has zero sympathy for the pain and suffering of its people (to say nothing of the people in the Coutts area). Instead, he takes up and supports the convoy side even at a distance.

He is against any punishment for offenders in trucker convoys; he feels that no force or enforcement should be applied on them.

Rather, he thinks the convoys should be left alone to multiply, harass, vandalize, and rough up ordinary citizens. (He probably thinks that the acts against Ottawa citizens were minor unlawful acts or bylaw infractions, not terrorism offences.)

This frivolous challenge tells you everything you need to know about Kenney’s non-patriotism (he supports the GOP, his American allies and foreign financial supporters) and his total, unfettered lack of loyalty to Canada and his fellow Canadians.

He prefers chaos and continuous disruption and actually cares little about the Canadian economy and the survival of Canada’s democracy; during his autocratic reign, he has been, repeatedly, prepared to step in political cowpies and to cut off his nose to spite his face.

He is against the RCMP and their efforts to maintain law and order (as we saw in Coutts) and wants to set up his own private police force to wage war on any perceived personal enemies (a la Trump) much like the fascistic dogs Napoleon employs for corrupt ends in Animal Farm.                                                                                                                                     

And, as well, you sure as heck know he does not want any federal investigations into the financing behind convoys in Alberta. No, that would turn up too many bodies including many UCP donors and American connections to his government.

With this audacious, stupid move, he establishes, once and for all, his deep desire to be The Redneck Political Leader of Canada, worthy of re-election in Alberta and worthy of consideration to lead the federal PCs one day.

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