Edmonton City Council: Unnecessary, Conspicuous Waste

(The eyes of Dr. Eckleburg looking piteously at the wasteland that is the Downtown District?)

Why not just proclaim the city speed to be 30 km everywhere and bring traffic to a crawl and gridlock?

Yesterday, I watched in horror as 30 km signs were put up beside a fenced-off soccer field on Mill Woods Road, on both sides no less. The empty, 99.99% year-round, non-used bike lanes from several years ago were apparently not enough to limit locals, drivers, and parkers.

No kids ever play in this field by themselves–a fact the city didn’t bother to research. For that matter, most city kids spend the summers and evenings indoors; they’re screen-bound and their parents don’t want them wandering outside the house anyway. The sign hours are absurd; no kid is going to venture out in the evening into the snow several months a year anyway to play on an empty ice-covered soccer field.

Edmonton’s city council fools have become too dictatorial, acting without facts, research, and accurate information for too long now. We need an entirely new council, but are stuck with these bums patting themselves on the backs all the time for their innumerable bad choices and moves that have crippled this city and turned it into a wasteland, right out of F.Scott Fitzgerald’s Valley of Ashes.

Who in hell wants to live beside torn-up roads, empty malls, and LRT tracks in their front and back yards? Who in hell anxiously looks forward to visiting and driving anywhere in Edmonton? These idiots on council have no sense of what it’s like to be ordinary citizens in this ugly, dumpy mess. Who in their right mind wants to drive or go downtown (which has been turned over to myriad imagined cyclists in the snow )anymore?

Edmonton. All hope abandon, ye who enter here. (Dante, The Inferno)

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